Friday, February 5, 2010

Radical Self Love by Gala Darling

It's no secret that Gala is one of my most favourite people in the world, and now she has given me reason to love her even more. During the month of February we are all going on an amazing journey of RADICAL SELF LOVE, instead of moping about Valentines Day.

What Gala is doing is absolutely, tremendously amazing and I highly, highly HIGHLY recommend jumping on board and giving it a go! Gala is the main reason why I am here today, being happy and confident about my life. She really changed me for the better through her blog, and so, if you are ready to stop feeling sorry for yourself, then this is definitely the next step. Loving and accepting yourself is one of the best things you will ever do in your life. Loving yourself doesn't mean you are "up yourself" or "full of yourself", it just means you love yourself for who you are. You might come across as full of yourself to some, but the people who perceive you in this way don't love themselves like you do. Loving yourself is a gift.

Just click the image above to go straight to the mother post about it all, and remember to keep checking the site ( to look out for updates & new assignments.

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